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Apply at SahliTech, Inc.

1 Step 1
SahliTech, Inc. Employment Application
First Nameyour first name
Last Nameyour last name
Date of BirthYour Birthday
Addressyour street address
Cityyour city
Stateyour state
Zip Codeyour zip code
Social Security Numberyour SSN
Phone Numberyour phone number
I am legally eligible for employment in the U.S.?pick one!
Are you able to perform the essential functions necessary for the job, without accommodations?pick one!
Available to work following shifts:select all that apply
Position applying for:
Position ID:If you have one
Employer name and address:more details
0 /
Position title/duties, skills:more details
0 /
Supervisor name:
Supervisor phone number:
Ending Salary:
Regular amount of work hours:
Start Date:
End DateLeave blank if still employed
Reason for leavingmore details
0 /
Would you like to enter another previous employer?
Employer name and address:more details
0 /
Position title/duties, skills:more details
0 /
Supervisor name:
Supervisor phone number:
Ending Salary:
Regular amount of work hours:
Start Date:
End DateLeave blank if still employed
Reason for leavingmore details
0 /
High school:
Institution nameyour highschool
Institution name:
Field of study:
Years completed:
Degree or Certificate:
Institution name:
Field of study:
Years completed:
Are you a US veteran?
Duty/specialized training:
0 /
IT Certifications (Select all that apply):
All other certifications:
0 /
Other qualifications such as special skills, abilities or honors that should be considered:
0 /
Types of computers, software, and other equipment you are qualified to operate or repair:
0 /
Additional skills, including supervision skills, other languages or information regarding the career/occupation you wish to bring to our attention:
0 /
List two personal references who are not relatives or former supervisors.
Reference Namereference full name
Reference Phone Number
Reference Occupation:
Years Known
2nd Reference Namereference full name
2nd Reference Phone Number
2nd Reference Occupation:
Years Known

As part of our procedure for processing your employment application, your personal and employment references may be checked. If you have misrepresented or omitted any facts on this application, and are subsequently hired, you may be discharged from your job. You may make a written request for information derived from the checking of your references. If necessary for employment, you will be required to: supply your birth certificate, social security card, or other proof of authorization to work in the United States, have a physical examination and/or a drug test, or to sign a conflict of interest agreement and abide by its terms. I understand and agree to the information shown above.You also agree to all SahliTech terms and conditions, as well as any SRS codes that pertain.

Resume & Other
Do you have a resume?
Do you have a cover letter, certificate or anything else to show us?
Cover letter or otherupload
Do you have any comments or anything else you would like to share with us?
Commentsmore details
0 /
Nameyour full name
Last 4 of social:
Today's date