360 Total Security Free Windows Antivirus

Free antivirus Protect your security and privacy 360 Total Security, or its Chinese version, 360 Safeguard is an antivirus software developed by China-based internet security company Qihoo 360. 360 Safeguard’s focus is on stopping malware such as computer viruses and trojan horses and providing security patches for Microsoft Windows. 360 Safeguard uses the proprietary 360 Cloud Scan, QVMII AI, QEX and Kunpeng engines, while 360 Total Security offers the option of using Avira and Bitdefender engines...

SWRT (SahliTech Windows Repair Toolkit)

SWRT SahliTech Windows Repair Toolkit SWRT can fix many Windows 10 and 11 issues relating to corruption, updates, migration, and more. This tool can scan and repair: Windows system image, Windows system files, filesystem (HDD,SSD). This tool can also: Download and install Windows Updates, and Cleanup Windows Update temp files.     Overview: SWRT can...